Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bad Brian Day. . .

You've heard of bad hair days? Well I'm having a bad Brian day. . . It is just one of those times when he seems even more preposterous than usual and try as I may to let his idiotic comments roll off my back, I just can't seem to let them go. Like when he came up to me with a few strands of my hair that he pulled out of the dust pan when he swept the floor in the kitchen and told me there was too much of my hair on the floor!! What does he expect me to do about it? I mean, really. . .

What was the next thing -- he is lucky I have such a bad memory -- it only works in his favor. . . What was it?? I waited too long, now I've forgotten. Oh yeah, he was berating me for sitting at my computer all day. . . I tried to tell him that I have 5 reports to write and more inspections coming up next week, so I need to sit here & write them, besides, it's not as if there is anything else that is pulling me away. . . (I know he thinks that I sit here doing what he does when he's on his computer -- surf the web -- looking for hours at sites like Second Use & Craigslist & anything to do with boats & real estate in addition to watching U-tube music videos. . . I admit, I do check my emails & FB but I don't surf much during the day -- I save that for evening when I don't have my wits about me. . .)

What we need more than anything is income & that's what I'm doing here. . .not to mention that the printer was acting up so I had to uninstall & reinstall the driver which took time & was quite frustrating. Brian is (finally) realizing that the times are not what they were & his useless items like the dump truck and the boat-that-isn't-floating aren't flying out the door because they aren't worth anything. If he's going to try to sell things, he's got to sell some of his stuff that's worth something. Like the hardwood floor that he sold. That went fairly quickly. Because it was worth something. I am finding out that Brian gets way more credit for his so-called intelligence than he deserves. He really is about as smart as he appears to be. Scary thought. . .

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